
Prayer is our direct line with heaven that never has a busy signal and never puts us on hold.  Prayer is a form of communion with the Divine One, the Almighty Creator of All that Is.  We can use our prayers to reach up and connect with our Higher & Wiser Self, the Christ Consciousness that we all have access to, for assistance, direction and help in every area of our lives.  To some people, prayer is complicated, but this is not so.  Prayer is like sitting down and having a conversation with your best friend or best friends, God and your Angels, even Yourself.  The more often we practice prayer, the easier it becomes to clearly communicate with God, Heaven, our Angels and our Higher Self.

Since God, Heaven and the Angels are able to hear every thought we think, our lives really are walking prayers.  I'm sure you heard the sayings, "Positive thoughts equal positive results" or "Where the mind goes, the body follows".  Well this is very true.  Every thought we think is being heard by Heaven, and since God is always answering our every request, you get what you think about whether you want it or not.  It sounds crazy I know.  When things went wrong or something happened that I didn't want to occur I would think, but that's not what I wanted.  Well Esther Hicks, who wrote the book The Vortex explains this concept as clearly as I think is possible.  The Vortex is where everything you desire, all of your dreams, all of your needs are located or being held for your complete access and enjoyment.  Now when you are in alignment with your desires, you get to experience how that feels and looks like in the physical realm.  It's all going on in your mind, in your spiritual realm, through your emotions and feelings.  It's easier to say and talk about, then it is to realize, or maybe even believe.  There are laws to the universe and the Divine Source interacts with each one of us through our desires (or emotions), our feelings and through our thoughts.  So the more you think about the things you like, love, want and desire, the happier you will be, because you will attract those things and more like it into your life.  The more you think about what  you don't want, the more miserable you will be, because you will be inviting more of those things into your life.  As I said before, you get what you think about whether you want it or not. It's easier to say then to do, but anyway, she can explain it much better then me.  I am still practicing being in alignment with my desires and consciously guiding my thoughts.  Now when something happens that I might not like or appreciate, I say "Did I create that, oh I know that I can do that much better than that."  And then I simply choose to do it better next time.  The best thing about getting into the Vortex, is the more you consciously practice being in the moment, choosing what you desire in your thoughts, allowing yourself to feel those emotions in your mind and body, the more often you will be in the Vortex.  We all get a lazy though.  I mean, even after I learned these principles, which was years ago, I would do the work and do the work and then when things were going good, I would get lazy, stop doing the work, which was bad, because then all hell would break loose and then I'd feel as if I'd have to start all over.  I am beginning to appreciate and honor my quiet time with the Divine, regarding it as sacred time.  I have learned that I can't let any thoughts go astray.  I must be as a shepherd and keep all my sheep (thoughts) in line.  Prayer is a wonderful way to do that.  Prayer can be used proactively and in the moment, in the mist of the storm.  It is a wonderful tool that the Almighty One has blessed us with.  Properly utilizing this gift will cause miraculous and beneficial effects in our lives.  

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