Meditation Prayer

From beneath my feet arises the love, light, energy and substance I truthfully desire from Mother Earth to acquire that which I need to effectually achieve my hopes and accomplish my dreams; my home, my foundation.  I feel safe, grounded and secure here, right now, in this moment.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

From above me, within the heavens, the clear blue sky that clears my mind, pours down at anytime that I desire, no matter what, the vigorous light of the Sun and the enchanting energy of the Moon.  Bringing me life, healing my wounds, enhancing my powers, reinforcing me every hour.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative. 

To my left hand comes the divine skills to heal me and others, the source of my blessings, my divinely ordained talents and gifts.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

To my right hand flows the strength to control and direct, with little or no resistance, through the perfect will of the Divine, under grace in a wonderful way, the power of magic and divinely inspired action.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

I am a balanced being in everyway.  My intuitive nature, my divine feminine energies are perfectly balanced with my divine masculine energies, wonderfully complimenting my intellectual nature, allowing me access to my highest possibilities and outcomes in every area of my life, in every dimension, on every level.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

Behind me, now falls the one I was, along with all my failures and disappointments and I am that I am.  I am now whole again.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

Before me, now arises the perfected one I aspire to be and strive to become.  My magical, wise and powerful true Self and now we are one.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

Around me, are the circles of the eternal stars and beacons of light, the like minds of my divine consciousness.  Those lamps of wisdom in the deep spaces that protect me, guide me and inspire me to achieve that which I desire gracefully and peacefully.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

Within me, grows the flame of life, the light of experience and understanding with clarity, my destiny of living my joyful life, with ease, fun and comfort-ability.  For this and so much more, I am so thankful and appreciative.

Amen! Ase! Hotep! And so it is! Hallelujah! Namaste!

(Say this prayer and then sit in quiet meditation for a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes or as guided by you Spirit.

Here's a tip on how your breathing pattern could flow to help you concentrate:

Release or exhale all the air from your lungs completely through your mouth.  Then inhale through your nose, deep down into your lower belly and hold it in a few seconds.  Then exhale all the air out again through your nose.  Continue to do this until you have developed a constant rhythm, which would be maybe 7 to 14 breathes, in and out.  Then focus on the soles of your feet and imagine that the your breath is going deep down into the center of the Earth directly to its very core, where all the fire and energy is located, connecting you to all that Mother Earth has waiting for you, which could be all your needs met and the fulfillment of the desires of your heart, or even healing energy and love.  Then once you feel that you have fully grounded and effectually connected Mother Earth, inhale deeply and draw the energy up from the Earth allowing it to enter your body and exit out through the top of your head up into the Sky.  Exhale and allow the Higher Energies from above you, you could call this place Heaven, to supply you with whatever you need as well.  Continue breathing in this manner, inhale and draw up the energy from the Earth allowing it to fully pass through you body out through the top of your head, then exhale and draw down from Heaven what is waiting for you, what has been stored up for you for your day and life, allowing this energy to pass through your body and out through soles of your feet deep down into the Earth again.

So first your ground yourself, then you connect to your Higher & Wiser Self and then you merge your subconscious mind with your conscious mind, so that your new beliefs, clear out the old ones to create new desire within you.  Once you fully connect to your Higher & Wiser Self, She/He will begin to take over and make whatever changes in your subconscious mind and conscious mind that need to take place.  Your Higher & Wiser Self already knows what needs to be done and exactly how to do it, so you don't have to worry about doing it wrong.  All you have to do is breath. 

**Record yourself saying this prayer and press repeat and meditate on it as well.  This is also very effective.  Enjoy!)

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